
5:50 PM Dressy_Daisy 0 Comments

Hello lovely readers.
As the days go by, my recovery is getting better and the whole transplant is less of a reality and more of a blurry horrific memory. Nightmares seem so long when your having them, but when you wake up and realize it was only a dream there is relief, peace, and all that is left is a memory. That is how I feel. I am in this awful dream and I am on the verge of waking up. Soon this will all be nothing more than a conversation on my tongue. There will be no more appointments, no worry, no more needles! No more infusion and transfusions, no more pain. All the physical changes will pass and everything will be back to normal. The confidence and security, the strength and the energy. Honesty the only way I got through all this is from prayers. How is it that so much damage can happen to a person and they are still positive? Well God gives us hope and faith. Of course I haven't shared everything that I went through or am going through with the whole world but there is more than whats visible to the eye. More personal things. Only people who have gone through things like this can understand the things that cloud my mind. But I wanna say thank you for the prayers. Every day is getting easier, and I believe I will be back to normal in no time! The transplant is in the past, thats already a big step. Some people can't even find a donor for years. I had mine within the first 3 weeks of being diagnosed.  My brother was a donor for a reason, and that alone is another story. Where God brought him today, after the transplant. It was all for a reason, and that was for the blessing of his soul. I can see how this was all part of God's plan and he knew it would lay out this way. He knows best.
As this is a new chapter in my life, I can start making plans. Plans with my husband, plans for my future. I can actually leave town now! I don't need to get a blood test done every other day now like I did for so many months before. Now it is just once a week and I have been needing blood every 2-3 weeks. Before it was weekly. I am also tapering off of my medications slowly. Thank God. I started taking vitamins also. I have been trying to stay active and I am praying that I will be able to exercise soon. Like jogging!! Oh boy. I haven't been jogging since September 2014. My body just wouldn't allow. I can barely make it up the stairs without my heart beating crazy. So I am praying for that to come quickly. I will probably have tears of joy when I will finally feel sore muscles LOL. It's the little things. I am eating and drinking everything I want, no more gluten free! No more restrictions. It's the best feeling. I am sorry to those who don't have this luxury. I really am. My heart aches for the sick. Especially for those with lifelong health or body issues. It's just devastating. But it is a good reminder when I think about the freedom in heaven one day. No pain, no problems, just perfection.
This whole journey has taught me so much. I can see how God has poured so many new friends into my life. And the ones that were there also were brought closer to me. And he has showed me other types of people and friends that weren't really friends. I still have to be thankful. Take everything away from someone and what is left of them? I always loved that statement. The best thing we can invest in is ourselves. People want to surround themselves with people that make them feel good. People that are kind, don't gossip, aren't arrogant or rude. People who are genuine and actually care. I can always see through people who are real and are not real. But God lets his light shine on us for a reason so that we can be a good example. Proverbs says, "As iron sharpens iron, so should we sharpen the minds of others." I love this. I love friends that mold me to be better. I encourage you all, be the light. Anyways, just wanted to give a little update, yes I am doing well, and everything is still going very well. Love you all, and thank you for the prayers. xoxo