Day 21 after transplant- I AM HOME
Hello everyone, yes I got released from OHSU on day 17, a few days ago and I have just been soaking it in. My counts went up from 470 to 1,800 over night and so the doctor was like okay missy, your out of here lol. Since I was doing so good when I was discharged my appointments were switched from every day to twice a week. Woohoo! It was the best feeling even though I knew the battle wasn't over. A part of me didn't want to leave because I wasn't fully healed yet. God said there will be a miracle and people will be amazed but I realized that God is still still doing his work. I will be fully restored and I believe with all of my heart that God is with me and this is still part of the plan. I do not know what will happen or how but I trust him completely that whatever happens, he is in charge and holds the world in his hands. My total healing will come and I believe I will testify, it's just a matter of time while he works on me, my family and friends, and others who have been touched by my story. I am thankful for the new friends I made there with the cna's and nurses and you can see they were excited for me to be going home. When I was leaving my heart hurt for the ones that had to stay behind in the hospital. Especially the ones who wouldn't ever walk out of there. Sickness can rob a person of everything, but to us believers it can't rob us of our faith if our roots are planted in deep. It can't rob us of salvation and hope, and it defiantly cant change that fact that HE who is in us is stronger than he who is of this world.It's interesting how we humans think this and that and then we are humbled because God is like, no, I'm not done yet. Or he does things in a way we don't expect, he works in mysterious ways. The best thing you can do is say, LORD, I trust and believe in you, and thank him for everything. When I got home I was very glad to have my freedom. Sleeping on your own bed at night is something people shouldn't take for granted. A roof over your head is a wish some people can only dream of. I slept so good at night :) And the next day was just as great, time started to pass at a more steady rate, I got to cook and do easy cleaning. My mom has been with me while Yanik is at work and so she is my caregiver for now. I had my first check up yesterday, my white blood count went down to 1,000 but I got another shot to help increase this number. I got a unit of red blood cells and platelets since my body hasn't started producing them yet. My magnesium is kinda always low because of the cyclosporin but thats okay. My hands and my feet are very sensitive after the chemo. My feet hurt more, and what I mean is that when I bend my feet like to squat or bend them they hurt pretty badly. It's a weird sensitive pain I can't really describe. Feels like the top layer is not there and they are dry. So even when I was walking today the numbing effect had me back on a chair in a matter of seconds. But it can be so much worse, I can't complain. I have so much to be thankful for, I am alive.
And I can prove this, because my best friend Krestina has been with me this week and she got sick the other day in my bed. Her heart kept stopping, she kept dying. Her brain tells her to wake up, and she gasps in a deep breath finally after not breathing for up to 15 seconds and her body starts to seize and shake and all we can do is hold and shake her and make sure she wakes up, breaths, and stays awake and doesn't go unconscious. When I think of suffering, I think of her. I mean how is my sickness suffering? I'm not in constant pain, I can eat whatever I want, I can sleep and still enjoy life. I will be fully healed and restored. She has been battling these attacks for 3 years! Mayo clinic sent her home and told her she had 3 weeks to live. Well look how big our God is. He is the one who decides that. Not people who are made by him. With him the impossible is possible. But please keep her in your prayers, she needs this healing, but it's in Gods hands and he is doing his work. So please keep us both in your prayers, so that our faith wont be shaken, and for God to do his work through us. As best friends, we are here to pick each other up as we go through the same battles in life and I know that God will be using us both after we finish drinking from this cup of suffering. Then he will put everything into place like he promised. I see it as a puzzle, he will bless us both in every way. This includes our health, beauty, having children even when doctors say otherwise, great blessings and the rewards he said are waiting for us. Love you all, thank you for reading.