Hello readers!
Update on my wonderful pregnancy- I am almost 32 weeks and I cannot believe how fast the time is going!
Seems like I just found out the gender and that was 14 weeks ago, I have 8 left! Its unbelievable to think that I will be holding my little lady soon. Watching my belly grow has been the most interesting feeling as her movements increased, my love for her grew. Sometimes i feel like she will rip right out of my belly lol. She get hiccups, she kicks, she gets moving when she hears papas voice. I cannot wait to lay my eyes on her. I am so thankful to God for this opportunity to bring a life into this world- even though I know it is all him, he is using me. And I am praying for that wisdom. So since my last post, they checked, and my placenta moved! This means I will be able to try to have a natural birth without a c-section. Unless if there is some emergency of course. I am still debating on if I want to get epidural but that is what everyone says. I most likely will ask for the smallest dose and then get more if I can't handle it. I have not been having anxiety about the birth but that will probably change soon. I have had major nesting urges. All I want to do is clean and reorganize, but I cannot do much right now because we are doing a full blown remodel on our whole downstairs and the coming baby room. Which is not even close to being ready. Golly.
Update on how I have been feeling: GREAT
However, I started feeling the weight of the baby around 25 weeks and it gets harder every week. Sometimes I feel like I have to roll out of bed, and my feet have been hurting after a couple of hours of being on them. Lately, it has been really hot, and just this last week at 31 weeks, I experienced my first feet swelling lol. It wasn't bad, but wasn't comfortable. I just need to remember to elevate my feet, not sit for a long time, drink enough water, and stay away from a lot of salt. So far, that has been the only major issue. Everything else has been going smooth, thank God.
Yanik built out little girl the cutest closet, and it is already full of super cute clothes, shoes, swaddles. That is the only thing I have ready and the bassinet, but that's the main stuff right?
Anyways, I'll stay in touch!
xoxo Regina