3 Years Post Bone marrow transplant for Aplastic Anemia

5:57 PM Dressy_Daisy 0 Comments

Hello readers!
I would like to update you all on my well being 3 years post chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. This will be a more raw post...
 My daughter is almost 14 months old and we are both very healthy and living happy (and my husband). Thank God! I haven't had any issues with the bone marrow rejecting or aplastic returning. I had an easy time with my pregnancy, birth and I was able to breastfeed until Estie was a year old. Aplastic anemia is so rare and most of you don't even know what that is but if there is someone reading this that is diagnosed with it, just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever you are going through, it will pass and it will disappear like the sun during sunset. The pain will be gone, the endless hospital visits and needle pokes-those will all just be a memory. There are only a few treatments for this scary sickness but God gives us wisdom and he also gave us doctors and medicine to  help us. I believe God worked through doctors towards my healing and there were many times I felt his hand and his loving arms holding me. Like when I had no side effects from the chemo (besides hair loss and it bringing down my immune system like it was supposed to) but I didn't have any nausea or rashes or sores. No vomiting, diarrhea or GVH disease. I didn't want to hide under the bed sheets and die. God was also with me when I had no depression from this traumatic experience. From Loosing my hair, gaining 20 pounds in 1 week from water weight, to having to pause life for 6 months. I had a painful port in my upper chest which has left a small scar that might never fade. I have those moments when I think back to that time in my life and I just shudder because it was such a scary time in my life.  I had to give up restaurants, malls, flowers and plants, raw fruits and vegetables and so much more for 3 months...and through it all, I had peace on my heart. How? One word. God.
While I was going through this season of my life, it was bad news after bad news. Trial after trial. Transfusion after transfusion and never ending blood draws. And while I was going through it, it just didn't seem real. It was my life, so I was just doing life. There was nothing complicated about it- I just had to survive. When I think back, Im shocked at how I handled it because if it was now it would seem like the end of the world. And thats the thing, I just had so much peace and that peace came from faith. Faith that I was going to be healed and that I will live. Faith that I would recover and my body would be restored again 100% in Jesus name! I never doubted God and what he can do.  I proclaimed life and proclaimed children and now I honestly have the most beautiful and amazing daughter that brings so much joy to our life- joy that words cant explain. Because no words can explain that feeling where you have so much joy in your heart that it seems like its sinking and melting and exploding at the same time from all the happiness your feeling in a moment. How amazing is this love we feel for our children? I can't imagine how much more our heavenly Father loves us since he is LOVE himself. And he didn't heal me just because he loves me, but because he wants me to share with others because he loves you too! And he wants your to be healed, freed from bondage or whatever pain your going through. He loves all of his children and he just wants us to love him. Is it really so hard to love him? Why cant we just  accept him as children do and just trust him to take care of all of our life problems. He already knows what we are going through and what will happen. He will take care of it and in time everything will pass. Just enjoy your life while he takes your burden. He did send his son Jesus to die for us and he did send us the holy spirit to be our whisper in our ear to guide us and give us peace.
The more you realize that life is so precious, the more you realize that the things we care about are so pointless. Like will we be running to our closet for our expensive shoes or purses when God comes back for his church- or lets say if your house is burning; is it all worth it?? You cant take any belongings with you when you die. You cant take your fame or instagram followers with you. All that gossip you drink up will do you no good. You will want no alcohol in your system so that you have a clear mind and clean heart. But what you can take with you is a heart that has been filled with love and joy. A life worth living for. A life where you serve others and help those in need. A life where it matters if you are actually gone. Friendship is one of the best things you can have on this earth- a good friendship can strengthen and mold you. You can share your burdens with the people who love you most and will lift you up when you need it. Every one needs good friends. Remember that as iron sharpens iron, so does one person sharpen the mind of another as proverbs says. Be careful with you association but also pray for the people who need their hearts to be drawn towards Jesus. It the enemy that makes good people do bad things. Satan is the influence for all evil deeds. So don't hate the people who hate you- pray for them because only God can change their heart!
Anyways, so in this last year while I have been watching my daughter grow I have slowly been learning to enjoy the little things. We don't know when our last day is. And we don't know when our loved ones last day is- so always be kind. Please stop judging others. Who cares if they are different than you are! God made them beautiful in their own way. I know and believe I am completely healed and the same God that healed me can do wonderful things in your life. I am living one day at a time and I have so much to be thankful for. Like to be here today to share my testimony with you. I have peace on my heart and I would love for everyone to have this peace. That whatever happens tomorrow, everything we be okay. This world is just our temporary stop before we get to go home. Thank you for reading! Blessings


Our little miracle- baby Estie Grace

4:30 PM Dressy_Daisy 0 Comments

Hello to all of you readers. Over the last few months I have been soaking in every precious moment with my beautiful baby daughter. God has blessed us with a true miracle- a healthy, sweet, adorable baby girl. At my last post I think I was about 32 weeks pregnant. Estie came to us early at 35 weeks. It was a scary but very exciting experience. My water broke early morning at 6:45 and we went to the hospital to confirm that I was in labor. I was already 3cm dilated and having contractions 3-4 minutes apart that I did not feel. I got some Pitocin and got admitted. Over the hours the contractions got stronger and more painful and closer. I took a bath around 3 and then got some fentanyl once the bath wasn't helping anymore at around 4-by then I was 6cm dilated. The fentanyl only helped for about 15 minutes and then I asked for the epidural. I got the epidural at 4:30 when I was 8cm, and it kicked in fully around 5pm and by then I was 10cm and ready to push. Just remembering all of this brings back such an interesting yet special memory! When I started pushing the only people in the room were my husband, my doula, and my nurse. After only a couple of sets up pushing her head started to show. Yan and me were like, shouldn't we wait for a doctor?? But Estie was coming so fast that they called them in at 5:15 and at 5:20 I started pushing again. Estie came out at 5:39 and started crying right away. I was in such a dream that I still get emotional thinking about it. She was so small and sweet and holding her was the best feeling ever. She was 5 pounds 1 ounce, 18 inches long and a whole lot of perfection. The NICU nurses took her away and she needed help with her breathing until the next day. It was hard to see her with so many wires but I was so thankful to God for modern day help from doctors. She started having some apnea and after a couple of days they decided to give her some caffeine. She would stop breathing and that would make her heart rate fall and so they said the caffeine would help her and it did. The checked her brain with an ultrasound and did some tests for infections to rule out if those were the cause of the apnea but all the results were good so they said it's from the prematurity. Estie was in the Nicu for 11 days and while she was there she did blue light therapy twice for her jaundice levels. Her weight dropped down to 4 pounds 9 ounces and then went back to 5 2 ounces when she went home. When she was able to go home it was the happiest moment. We were so excited, I got so tired living there because I stayed with her every day and night. I could not leave her and when I did I felt so bad even though she was practically always sleeping. My recovery was very good. The 2nd day was the hardest because it felt like I was hit by a train but then everything was easier. The swelling and water weight went away within days. I had colostrum instantly, my milk came in on the 3rd day and I had so much milk that I was freezing.
All of the nurses and doctors loved Estie saying that she was beautiful, feisty and a perfect preemie. She ate so well and everything about her was just the way it needs to be. Shes still the most amazing baby and such a sweetheart! Shes a little behind for her age but that's okay! Before we know it she will be crawling, walking, talking- we are just enjoying these amazing moments. We are so in love with her. Thank you everyone for your prayers. God promised- and he came through. Like he always does.